“At some point in life, everyone, builds own house. The hard part is building a home with the heart. A place not only to sleep, but also to dream. A place not to find shelter from the cold but a corner from which to admire the changing seasons. A place not simply to spend your time, but to experience joy for the rest of your life.”

Sergio Bambarén


Creative imagination would remain a dream, without craftsmanship.


Icon’s Milano decorative panels fit into the houses with personal choices, always revealing the meaning of a place. They decorate the empty walls with the furniture to be protagonists.



The piece of furniture, has the power to surprise, to intrigue, to establish a memory, to indelibly characterize a room, to reveal the personality of the place and of those who conceived it.


We have always known that behind an object there is also something else.
A soul.
A thought to be shared.
For this reason our mission consists in taking art into people’s home, making it within everyone’s means through the creation of a unique piece.

When design meets art

It is called Art Back Home and it is the project with which we begin a unique path of encounter between design and art, in which the works of the artist Paolo De Biasi are transposed onto pieces of furniture.


Artistic inspirations, fashion influences and geometric schematis, are contaminate with each other, in a route of opportunities that gives green light to the imagination and allows to decorate other elements of the interior design project.

Artistic inspirations, fashion influences and geometric schematis, are contaminate with each other, in a route of opportunities that gives green light to the imagination and allows to decorate other elements of the interior design project.


Artistic inspirations, fashion influences and geometric schematis, are contaminate with each other, in a route of opportunities that gives green light to the imagination and allows to decorate other elements of the interior design project.

Artistic inspirations, fashion influences and geometric schematis, are contaminate with each other, in a route of opportunities that gives green light to the imagination and allows to decorate other elements of the interior design project.


Icon’s Milano decorative panels fit into the houses with personal choices, always revealing the meaning of a place. 

They decorate the empty walls with the furniture to be protagonists. They can be the confirmation of a creative house, or the only detail that remix everything, changing the identities of the rooms.



È grazie alla padronanza dell’antico mestiere dell’artigiano che realizziamo sogni: le aspirazioni dei designer, le visioni dei progettisti, i desideri ancora inespressi di chi sceglierà i nostri mobili.

Le ultime news

Art Back Home on Andrea Bettini’s blog on “Il Sole 24 Ore”

In his blog on "Il Sole 24 Ore", Andrea Bettini talks about the concept of the new artistic project of Icon's Milano. Click here to read the article

The artistic project of Icon’s Milano on “Cose di Casa”

The "Cose di Casa" magazine talks about the new artistic project by Icon's Milano in a dedicated article. Click here to read it

The encounter between art and design of Icon’s Milano on, the magazine entirely dedicated to innovations in the home of tomorrow, talks about Icon's Milano's Art Back Home project. Read the article now

The Art Back Home Sideboard on “Acasa Magazine”

Acasa Magazine talks about the new Art Back Home sideboard and the Icon's artistic project that will be presented during the Design Week. Click here to read the article

The Art Back Home project has a leading role in Ediltecnico’s article

The Ediltecnico portal talks about the Art Back Home project, presented at the Salone del Mobile 2022. Read now the article

The new project of Icon’s Milano on Professione Architetto

In the press review of "Professione Architetto" an article was dedicated to the innovative Art Back Home project of Icon's Milano. Click here to read the article